We have conducted research on factors associated with implicit race bias. Our trainings use the latest research to PREDICT, MEASURE, & REDUCE unwanted implicit race bias and behaviors.
Organization Cultural Climate AssessmentThe Bias Adjuster will provide an assessment of your organization's cultural climate. Our assessment highlight inclusion and equity disparities between multiple social identities. We use the data to assist your organization/institution’s future equity professional development and strategic planning.
TrainingWe provide online/virtual and in-person training that help trainees better understand and adjust their own implicit biases.
*All Trainings are available as in-person or virtual format. Baseline Implicit Bias Training: - Implicit Bias & Hiring (HR and Hiring Managers) - Inclusive Leadership (Leadership) - Inclusive Mentoring Training and Program (Mentors) - Implicit Bias and Performance Evaluations (Leadership) - Customized Courageous Conversations (All Employees) - Psychological Safety: Improve Inclusion by Connecting the Mind, Body and Bias (All Employees) - Microaggressions (All Employees) - Counteracting Biases: An Intersectionality Approach (All Employees) |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic PlanningWe provide consultation to our clients in order to assist and increase diversity, improve inclusion and reduce equity disparities.
One-on-One DEI Consultation for EmployeesHave Dr. Gibson meet with employees one-on-one to discuss personal and professional DEI topics.
The Bias Adjuster | [email protected] | 1 West Court Square, Decatur, GA 30030 | 404-494-7894